Protection is a magical effect that increases a creature's defense by ~7% of its maximum health.
How to get this effect:[]
- Scroll of Protection - Protection for ~12 turns.
- "Protector" Sword - 40% chance of casting Protection for ~8 turns if you blocked a blow.
- Energy shield "Aegis" - Protection for 2 turns when the shield is destroyed.
- Armor plate "Aegis" - 10% chance to gain Protection for 2-3 turns when receiving damage.
- Book of Protection - Protection for 2-4 turns when using a regular scroll.
- Book of Chaos - Chance to cast Protection for several turns when using a regular scroll.
Interaction with other effects:[]
- Armor destruction - Reverse effect. If Protection and Armor destruction are applied to an unit, the latter will instantly neutralized, and only Protection remains. And vice versa.
Units that can use this effect:[]
- Heavy Skeleton
- Skeleton King
- Elite Knight Guardian
- Summoned Guardian
- Commander Guardian
- Midas Guardian
- Elite Sentinel
- Elite Sentinel Knight
- Red Sentinel
- Green Sentinel
- Necro Sentinel
- Portal Guardian
- Illusory Portal Guardian
- Illusory Cyber Guardian
- Chaos Cyber Guardian
- Awakened Sentinel
- Exterminator Commander Alpha
- Exterminator Commander Beta
- Alpha Destroyer
- Beta Destroyer
- Cerberus-1
- Cerberus-2
- Necromech
- Heavy Necromech
- Omega Cyber Priest
- Chaos Omega Cyber Priest
- Shadow Master
- Shadow Overlord
- Shadow Mage
- Shadow Mage-Wither
- Prospector
Version history[]
- - Protection has been added to the game.